a world that often lacks what has long been called 'common courtesy' it
seems this page is inevitable. So many little irks on the web
would so easily be solved by its simple utilization.
here it goes.
may use the information on this site (And the others not on
for personal research purposes. If you use ANY information such
as (but not limted to) in a book, school project, web page or
equivalent you MUST give credit and preferably a link to the
place you originally found the data. Naturally this site is protected
under copyright. Blatantly copying anything
such as text, design or images is quite obviously a big no-no.
Images even more than the text are usually unique. Often the
images are easily recognizable toward a particular web site and
as such are a site's 'trademark' look. If you like an image used
on a site you MUST ask first to use it. If the person who created
the image says no, well then you must take it at face value and
not use the image.
of the domain is strictly the tenant of the selected members.
This means using this domain name in email, usenet posts or the web
is strictly forbidden unless specifically granted. This also goes second
for internet marketers. NO unsolicited bulk advertisements are tolerated!
EMailing me or anyone else that uses an ad selling or promoting
a product, web site or equivalent will be reported immediately to their
respective abuse department. Other common types of internet abuse such
as harassment, Denial Of Service, mailbombing are also verboten. Since is also within the bounderies of California, state law prohibits
'spam' or 'junk email' and as such NO address on may be sent
junk email.